Pardon Project

Pardon Project

In Somerset County you have options with the Pardon Project.


pardonLogo.png If you have ever pled guilty or been convicted of a state crime in Pennsylvania and have completed your sentence, you should consider applying for a pardon, which is total forgiveness that erases your record. You will never have to "check the box" again.

Pardon applications are free and easier to submit than ever. The Pardon Project of Somerset County helps non-violent ex-offenders (and their families) move their lives forward.

Pennsylvania is leading the nation in pardon reform. A lawyer is not required, and over 80% of the people going before the Board of Pardons actually receive a pardon.  Over a ten-year period, pardons brought over $16.5 million in higher wages to Pennsylvania communities.

Who We Are

The Pardon Project of Somerset County was created by a steering committee that included public officials, government agencies, law enforcement, lawyers, and social workers.

What We Do

Trained volunteers ("Pardon Coaches") who know the process, understand factors the Board of Pardons considers, and help applicants submit the best possible pardon applications.

Who We Serve

Eligibility Criteria for Pardon Project of Somerset County:

  1. Somerset County resident and with a Somerset County record. If the client's home county does not already have a Pardon Project, but the client has a Somerset County record, we will work with the client to obtain records, information, etc.
  2. Financial guidelines (200% below the federal poverty line)
  3. 3+ years of sobriety
  4. 5 years crime-free conditions as follows:
    - Not currently on probation or parole
    - No active prosecutions
    - 5 years since completion of sentence
  5. Ability to pay entire restitution amount within 30 months
  6. The following offenses are excluded from this Project:
    - Felony assault (physical or sexual) of a minor
    - Felony crimes of violence including domestic violence
    - Sex offenses requiring SORNA or Megan's Law registration
    - Felony gun offenses wherein a gun was used in the commission of a crime or a gun was unlawfully possessed by the client.

How to Apply for Help from the Pardon Project:

Call Jeremy Oester (Pardon Coach/Outreach) for more information: 814-445-9628, extension 290   
OR email us at