FREE 2024 Federal Income Tax Return Preparation
February 3, 2025
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The following programs are available (depending upon capacity and funding)
Provides homeless prevention services that assist clients to maintain safe and affordable housing. HAP funds are used to assist those individuals that are at-risk of homelessness or are literally homeless to obtain economic self-sufficiency and secure permanent housing within the community.
Preventative education and activities are utilized such as case management, housing search, placement and development of wrap around services from the local Continuum of Care.
Requirements: 150% of the Federal Poverty level, homeless or at immediate risk of losing housing, agreement/lease with landlord, sustainable income to sufficiently pay future months of rent
Services: rental assistance, emergency shelter
Is an innovative housing approach that offers supportive housing and supportive services to homeless individuals and families within our community. SHP offers a transitional period to those individuals and families from homelessness to permanent housing.
Case managers work closely to increase participant’s skills and income in order to secure stability and live as independently as possible. The SHP program encourages participants to achieve self-determination through innovative strategies in order to transition out of homelessness.
Requirements: literally homeless or residing in an emergency shelter
Services: scattered-site units, rental assistance, housing first approach, supportive services, employment assistance
Offers long-term housing assistance with supportive services for individuals and families with a chronic history of homelessness and currently face barriers toward maintaining permanent housing such as serious mental health illness, substance abuse disorders, physical disabilities or chronic health conditions.
The PSH program offers affordable, safe, community-based housing options within an individualized and flexible approach. This innovative program addresses the underlying conditions that have gone untreated or undiagnosed for many years, by developing a comprehensive and cohesive supportive system of services to encourage recovery and self-sufficiency within participants.
Requirements: Literally homeless, chronic homeless history, disability
Services: scattered-site units, rental assistance, housing first approach, integrated treatment for co-occurring disorders, assertive community treatment, supported employment, SOAR
DHS Emergency Rental Assistance Program (ERAP)
The Pennsylvania Department of Human Services (DHS) has established the Emergency Rental AssistanceProgram (ERAP) to provide financial assistance to eligible households, directly or
indirectly impacted financially by COVID-19. This assistance will be available to eligible households struggling to pay rent,rental arrears, utilities, utility arrears, and other related
housing expenses
I would like to complete an application on my own:
To apply for the initial application electronically, go to theCOMPASS website:
Under Emergency Rental Assistance Program (ERAP) on the homepage to start your application
I would like assistance to complete my application:
Call: Tableland Services Inc.
to either:
February 3, 2025
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January 26, 2024
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February 2, 2023
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